Master Key Plus

Software Installation

Windows 95 Installation Instructions:
Insert disk in drive a:
Click on START, select run type a:\setup.exe

Windows 3.x Installation Instructions
Insert disk in drive a:
Click on File, Select Run, type a:\setup.exe
DOS Installation Instructions
Installation: (Hard Disk Systems and Standard Disk Systems)
Step #1 -

Boot your computer (if necessary) and get to the DOS prompt. The prompt usually consists of an A> for standard disk drive systems, and a C> for hard disk systems. These symbols are used throughout this procedure.

Step #2 -

Insert your program disk in Drive A, or Drive B.

Step #3 -

Type A: (press enter), or B:

This makes drive selected Disk Drive the active Drive. If installing to a standard floppy or mini disk system follow the below instructions, but change the default drive to the drive letter of your second drive.

Step #4 - Type INSTALL
  1. The installation Menu will appear.
  2. Select Standard installation for most cases.
  3. Press the [Enter] key to accept the supplied Drive, and Path.
  4. Your Installation should be complete within a few moments.
  5. Type Mkplus to Execute the program.
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